We are our own worst critique, We are the first to put ourselves down or make ourselves be discouraged. We look around and see the success of others or see what others have and we just want that for ourselves. If we feel we don't have it we become discouraged, we feel like failures, we want to give up. STOP IT now! You are forgetting ONE thing...
I am not meaning that we all had the same chances in life or the same up bringing but I mean we all were conceived and carried for 9 months with fantastic 'womb service' and you know the rest. But it is what we have chosen to do with our lives and those opportunities that have present themselves to us that determines our future.
I know I will sound like a broken record of cliche's but they really do ring a true meaning. "The sky's the limit" or "Reach for the stars" or one that I love is "If you are going to dream, dream big".
You should do things in life that make YOU happy, forget what everyone around you will think. YOU want to do something, do it YOUR way.
You know when I started MWL I was horribly discouraged by most of the people around me, most told me I would fail within 2 months, but one person told me that no one would ever buy or support my work because it was nicely put crap (was another word used but you get the idea).
How did you think this made me feel? I felt like an idiot, a fool, I became embarrased and down about my work, I was made to feel like following my dreams was such a stupid idea. My husband was actually fantastic about it all! He was one of the very few people supporting my idea. He said to me "Talya, Don't listen to these people, they are just jealous that you have the guts to follow your dreams, give it a go and prove them wrong".
So I did. I gave it my all and worked tirelessly on perfecting designs, learning new techniques, but mostly I wanted to prove to them that I can and am doing what I love. Each new creation or milestone in my business and journey I think just how much I am proving those doubters wrong!
When my dad passed away he wrote a letter to me which said "Don't be discouraged by others who don't believe or understand your dream or vision. I am proud of what you have acheived".
Looking back at where I started with MWL I am now so embarrased and ashamed of my designs and the quality of them. At the time I was so proud (and can understand why people felt the need to tell me my stuff was nicely put 'crap') but it only goes to show that through determination and learning new things I can now proudly see where how far I have come.
So if you are creating something and you feel discouraged and want to give up, DON'T! Keep going, persevere and just never give up.
If you don't believe me here is a comparison of my work beginning of 2011, middle of 2012, middle 2013..
Here is a quote I read last night that really made me think:
"In your final days are you going to hug those college degrees? Are you going to ask to be carried to your garage to sit with your car? Will you find comfort in re reading your financial statement? Of course not..."
-Max Ludaco.
But you might have already heard or read before about the famous failures- those by celebrities and what they have done. If not here it is.
Image courtesy of google.
So next time you feel you are a failure or someone tells you that you are, don't get discouraged and just keep on trying!
I hope this was a bit of motivation for you today! x