You might remember back in August I announced and opened applications for 'Mums who LOVE Made With Love' which is a review panel of several mums, which due to the overwhelming response of applicants I ended up choosing 24 mums, who over the course of the next year will receive a set of party stationary (invites, card, banner and cupcake toppers) for their child's party in exchange for a review.
I will introduce you to Jenica and her review of her experience with Made With Love for her Son Lucas "Lukie or Pookie" who celebrated his second birthday with a Minions and Trains theme.
What is your name and what do you do?
I’m Jenica, and I’m a stay at home mum to Lukie, as well as wife to Simon who is a medical intern.
What is your child’s name and the age recently celebrated?
My son is Lukie, and he just turned 2! I can’t believe how big he’s getting…
What was your theme of the party being celebrated?
Lukie has two obsessions at the moment – and I mean OBSESSIONS. He loves “mimyums” (minions) from Despicable Me, and he’s absolutely crazy for his “choos” (trains).
When you were dealing with Talya from Made With Love, How did you find the customer service?
Talya is BEYOND amazing. She goes out of her way to make sure you’re happy, takes into consideration everything you tell her even if it seems irrelevant, and her attention to detail exceeds any I’ve ever seen. Nothing is overlooked. She was amazingly creative at incorporating two themes that have nothing to do with each other, and not only came up with an awesome design, but came up with SEVERAL awesome designs, which I ended up basing my entire party on.
Please describe why you gave this rating.
Because Talya is awesome!
Did Talya help create the excitement during the entire process for your upcoming party needs?
Honestly (bad mummy moment) I had no excitement for my son’s party until I started discussing things with Talya. I had some ideas floating around in my head but figured I’d just throw some stuff together the week before. While talking with Talya not only did she ask the right questions to create her AWESOME invites, decorations and card, but she also got ME excited and planning for the party, which I honestly don’t think I would have done more than a few days in advance if it weren’t for her.

What were your first thoughts or reactions when you received your order?
Holy Crap!!! I was blown away. The packaging alone was incredible, but opening it up and seeing all the wonderful pieces she had made was like Christmas. The banner she made was incredible and I must have spent five minutes just staring at it before I even opened the rest of the package. The invites were so amazing – I can’t fathom how much time it must have taken to design and create them with all the tiny pieces! The cupcake toppers were super cute, and much sturdier than I expected. His birthday card was the best though. She even decorated the envelope! I couldn’t believe how amazing everything was.

What was your Child’s reaction? (if old enough to give a reaction)
Keeping in mind that Lukie is little and not fully verbal yet, he took one look at the invites and yelled “MIMYUM CHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!” so he knew what it was right away. Which is a testament to Talya’s work, because I made several minion decorations and pictures and he didn’t even look at them. He was SO excited to see his two loves combined together.
What was the reaction or feedback received from your invited guests?
Everyone was blown away. SO many people commented on the banner and asked where I found it. The kids were in love with the cupcake toppers, and most of them took them home with them.
What did you think of the quality of the invitations?
The quality is amazing. This is not your typical throw away invitation. They were sturdy and well made (nothing is coming apart on them despite being handled by toddlers), and they were INCREDIBLE. I couldn’t get over that each TOOTH on EACH minion was placed and stuck individually. WOW! They were far beyond what I had expected.